To avoid flooding at home, here are some practical tips:
Maintenance of gutters and downspouts: Make sure they are clean and in good condition to allow rainwater to flow properly away from the house.
Drainage system: Install an adequate drainage system to carry rainwater away from the house, such as French drains or lift pumps.
Foundation Waterproofing: Make sure your home’s foundation is waterproof by filling cracks and applying a waterproof coating if necessary.
Water level monitoring: Install a water level monitoring system in your basement to be notified if the water level rises.
Landscaping: Avoid building slopes toward your home that could allow rainwater to accumulate near the foundation.
Sump Pumps: Install a sump pump in your basement to pump out water in the event of a flood.
Home insurance: Make sure you have adequate home insurance that covers flood damage. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of flooding at home.